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Working in the market of St. Petersburg and Leningrad. area since 2002, we executed a lot of orders for manufacture and installation of balcony frames of varying difficulty. During this period, the company have vast experience and performance of the services brought to the perfect level. In the process of using the best materials and methods for their treatment. We offer you the real prices, excellent quality and minimum delivery times, discounts for regular customers, and low-income groups. Our experts will help you choose the best solution for you goals, quickly react to your every wish! "

Glazing of balconies (Lodge), as well as work on their landscaping will provide you with:

     * Protection from wind, rain, snow and debris (from the upper floors);
     * Conservation of heat in the cold season and saving money;
     * Sound;
     * Ability to include a balcony in a perfect cleanliness;
     * Fencing of the aggressive medium (exhaust gases, etc.);
     * An additional barrier to residential thieves.

YOU CAN ORDER Glazing balconies Without leaving your home!