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Navigation: Главная / Questions / Finish balcony loggia. Glazed wooden frames |
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Frames are made of what tree for остекления balconies?
Wooden frames for остекления balconies are made basically of a pine
Than wooden frames are processed?
On frame manufacture become covered by protective structure "í¿«ÔѬß" or "Pinoteks"
The sizes бруска for wooden frames?
We use брусок in the size 40х45 mm.
What colours antiseptics are used?
The most popular colours for impregnation of wooden frames, by our experience are – "colourless", «калужница» or "pine". However we always offer on a choice more than 12 shades antiseptics.
The maximum height has flown down in a frame?
To 165 sm - glass a continuous cloth on all height of a frame. At aperture height остекления more than 175 see the frame with a horizontal divider ("импост") is applied
Service life of wooden frames?
Wooden остекление on a balcony serves about ten years at regular (time in 1-2 years) sheeting renewal.
What materials are used for balcony furnish?
We can sheathe your balcony or a loggia domestic евровагонкой a class And (pine) or plastic вагонкой any colour under the catalogue. At any variant of furnish we lay an eurofloor - шпунтованную a sexual board in the thickness 22 - 36 mm
The sexual board is laid lengthways or across a balcony floor?
Across. Under the influence of the big temperature drops on a balcony, the long sexual board can not only crack, it also can "move", that is it begins to twist round a longitudinal axis. And such changes at the best will lead to that floors will start to creak.
Whether alignment of a floor of a balcony is made?
It is obligatory, since the balcony plate settles down under a small bias which is provided for a water drain. The sexual board is put on logs - the size 45х47.
What thickness and width at plastic вагонки?
We use plastic вагонку in the width 10 sm and in the thickness 1 see
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